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For all foreign academic hires (except in most cases adjunct professors, visiting scholars/ self-funded researchers visiting research students and academic consultants/ examiners), the recruitment process must comply with guidelines established by both the University and  HYPERLINK "http://www.esdc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/foreign_workers/higher_skilled/academics/index.shtml" \t "_blank" Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)/ Service Canada (SC). In addition, the University must assist in obtaining a temporary  HYPERLINK "http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty-relations/recruitment/recruiting-foreign-academics/work-permits/" work permit in order for the individual to legally work and receive salary in Canada. There are normally two ways in which foreign academics can obtain a temporary work permit: via a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) OR through a LMIA exemption. Please note that there are additional costs associated with hiring a foreign academic (which are borne by the Department) as well as additional time required to comply with federal immigration regulations and University procedures. ISSUES TO BE CONSIDERED Here are a few questions to answer to determine whether a LMIA or LMIA exempt Offer of Employment is required: Is the position an academic position? Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) defines an academic as an individual with at least one post-graduate degree (following a Bachelors degree) who earns the majority of their income from teaching or conducting research as employees at universities and university colleges in Canada. (These positions would primarily be those that fall under the UWFA( RAS) collective agreement.) Is the position exempt from a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)? Under ESDC regulations, the following categories are exempt and no LMIA is required in order to hire: A Business Professional under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) Citizens of the U.S., Mexico and Chile appointed as professors fall within the Business Professional category of the NAFTA and CCFTA and are exempt from LMIAs. Effective November 9, 2016, a new entry requirement will be in effect. Visa-exempt foreign nationals will require an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to or transit through Canada.  HYPERLINK "http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas-all.asp" \l "eta-exemptions" Exceptions include U.S. citizens, and travellers with a valid Canadian visa. Canadian citizens, including  HYPERLINK "http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/dual-canadian-citizens.asp" dual citizens, and  HYPERLINK "http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/about-pr.asp" Canadian permanent residents cannot apply for an eTA. Be prepared: These individuals should  HYPERLINK "http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/eta-start.asp" apply for an eTA before they book their flight to Canada. Most applicants get approved within minutes. However, some applications can take several days to process so they should not wait until the last minute. 2. Visiting Professors Visiting foreign academics with a current faculty appointment at their home institution fall under this exemption regardless of citizenship. Visiting professors may also include those who are on sabbatical doing collaborative research at the University. Appointments may be salaried or unsalaried and are limited to 2 years. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will not normally renew work permits beyond the 2 year limit. The individual must retain their position abroad. Note that CIC may request confirmation from the home institution that the individual has a position to which they will return. 3. Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDF) CIC allows individuals holding a PhD (or near completion of the PhD) to be appointed to time-limited positions for postdoctoral teaching and research. Appointments may be salaried or unsalaried. Normally, PDFs are appointed within three to five years of completion of their Ph.D. or equivalent degree. Individuals should have received their PhD by the time an application for a work permit is made. CIC may request proof of the PhD or expectation that it will be awarded shortly. Normally there is an initial one to two year appointment renewable to a maximum of five years. 4. Award Recipients Foreign academics who are the direct recipient of an award that is strictly based on academic excellence may apply for a work permit under an LMIA exemption. 5. Guest Lecturers Human Resources will work with the hiring professor/department to obtain the necessary information to complete the Offer of Employment to a Foreign National Exempt from a LMIA through the Immigration, Refugee & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Employer Portal. NOTE: Employers hiring foreign nationals who may obtain a work permit without an LMIA are required to submit information about their business or organization (Offer of Employment) and pay a $230 Employer Compliance Fee (paid by the hiring department) to CIC. PROCESS FOR OBTAINING A LABOUR MARKET IMPACT ASSESSMENT (LMIA) Units considering the appointment of an academic who is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and who is not eligible for an LMIA exemption as set out above should be aware that there are additional costs associated with obtaining a LMIA as well as additional time required for the completion and processing of the application. The LMIA application takes approximately 2 weeks to complete. There are a number of requirements, including: registration with Manitoba Employment Standards Office to obtain approval to recruit a foreign national; proof of ALL forms of advertising and costs associated to advertisement; completion of the Foreign Academic Recruitment Summary and supplementary information must be provided by the DPC to support the Summary. Human Resources will work with the hiring department to complete the form. Currently, the cost of the Labour Market Impact Assessment is $1,100 which is paid by the hiring department and is non-refundable in the event the LMIA is declined. Once the LMIA application is submitted to ESDC it can take from 10 22 weeks to receive the decision. ESDC thoroughly examines all LMIAs submitted to ensure that the prospective employer has clearly demonstrated that all steps were taken to attempt to hire a Canadian citizen/permanent resident. NOTE: If a foreign academic MAY be the preferred candidate for a position that requires a LMIA, it is essential that the advertising for the position complies with LMIA requirements. Defects in advertising cannot be corrected after the fact and this will prevent the candidate from obtaining a work permit. Details surrounding the advertising requirements are outlined in the attached checklist. APPOINTMENTS FOR WHICH NEITHER A LMIA NOR TEMPORARY WORK PERMIT ARE REQUIRED Visiting Scholars / Self-Funded Researchers Self-funded researchers who are not students and do not hold an academic rank at another institution may hold a Visiting Scholar appointment. The researcher should be provided with a letter of invitation, which they will need to present to the immigration officials when requesting entry into Canada. CIC has indicated that self-funded researchers (i.e. not being paid by UW) who will be in Canada less than 6 months and will not be entering the Canadian Labour Market will not require a work permit and can enter under the  HYPERLINK "http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/business-who.asp" Business Visitor category. The Offer of Employment Form and the Compliance Fee therefore should not apply in these cases. It is suggested that when this appointment occurs, Human Resources should be notified to confirm whether or not the CIC Offer of Employment documents should be completed. Visiting Research Students A visiting research student who is enrolled at the university to undertake full-time research with a faculty supervisor for a period of no more than six (6) months per calendar year. Students may be undergraduate, graduate, or in between degree levels. They must have an identified UW faculty supervisor, a research plan that has been approved by the faculty supervisor, the department, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the student will not be enrolled in any credit coursework at the UW. To enter Canada, these academics can apply as visitors directly at a CIC visa office or at a Canadian Port of Entry, in the case of citizens of the United States, St. Pierre et Miquelon and Greenland. NOTE: The entire LMIA working file must be retained for seven (7) years in the event of an audit. To ensure full compliance in the event of an audit, it will be important to forward all DPC related information associated with the competition to Human Resources to store with the LMIA application.       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